June 6, 2024

How to help Period Cramps at School in 2024

Period Cramp is challenging, uncomfortable and excruciating, especially when your teenage girl is in school. If you are wondering how to help period cramps at school which is quite out of your reach, you have landed to the right blog. I Know she is quite new to this journey and obviously doesn’t know much about tackling it. The process is simple, but you need to be organized to attain the utmost result. After all, a cramp should not hinder her studies, her daily life, and above all her right to lead a normal life with dignity.

Stay Prepared

Pack a Period Kit:

Don’t let your daughter run short of period products which includes sanitary pads, tampons, a water bottle, and a heating pad or patches. Keep medications like Ibuprofen or Acetaminophen handy, so that she can pop it up whenever required. The more she would stay prepared, the more it will be easier for her to fight the battle.

Know the cycle:

Download a Period Tracking App in her mobile. Ask her to register her periods on the tracker regularly. Knowing when the day is going to hit is the best way to be prepared mentally and physically.


Pain Relief Strategies


There are many over the counter medications available nowadays which work as pain relievers. Ibuprofen or naproxen can alleviate the cramps reducing the inflammation.

Heat Therapy:

Using a heating pad or adhesive heating patches on the lower abdomen can reduce the period pain. A couple of schools allow microwaveable heat packs. Talk to the school authority to check the school’s policy first and take action accordingly.


How to help period cramps at school

Make her understand how important it is to stay hydrated during periods. Drinking plenty of water can really help in reducing period pain. Aim for at least 2.5 litres of water per day.


Comfortable Clothing

Loosely fitted clothes are IN:

Loosely fitted clothes do not put much pressure on the lower abdomen. Take her to shop for such kind of garments. Your bonding with your daughter will let her open herself in front of you. Ask her to try Stretchy Pants, loose skirts, or may be one piece dress.

Layer Up:

If the School has a dress code, layering can make her comfortable. A hoodie or a sweater can warm her up if the temperature permits. The extra warmth can soothe her muscles.


Diet and Nutrition

Healthy Snacks:

Keep vitamin and minerals enriched snacks in her bag-pack. Nuts, seeds, fruits, and yogurt are amazingly rich with essential nutrients. These can surely help her to ease out the period pain.

Avoid Caffeine and Sugar:

Caffeine and Sugar is a bog NO NO. These are capable enough to induce period cramps. Encourage her to have herbal tea like chamomile or ginger tea. These have anti-inflammatory properties, which can alleviate the period cramp and lit up her mood. If some day she asks how to help period cramps at school, just say “have a cup of herbal tea and relax”.

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Physical Activity

Light Exercise:

Encourage her for gentle activities, like walking or stretching. These will surely increase blood flow and reduce cramping. If the school has a gym, ask your daughter to take a short visit during breaks if it allows her.


Yoga is the best form of exercise. Practicing yoga poses such as Child’s Pose or Cat-Cow Pose can help her in relaxing the abdominal muscles giving it a freedom from pain. Encourage her if she can do it before leaving for school.


Mindfulness and Relaxation

Deep Breathing:

Deep breathing is a technique, which helps to relax the muscle quickly. Teach her how to do it properly. Let her try inhaling for Four Count, then hold the breath for four count and then exhaling it for four count.


Scoop out some moments of peace and sit with your daughter encouraging her to practice meditation. Find a suitable place, close your eyes and just focus on how you inhale and exhale. That’s it. It will help you to manage your kind of stress and your daughter will thank you later.


Seek Support

It is one of the most essential and critical point to discuss. When you are teaching your daughter how to help period cramps at school, you should encourage her to seek for help whenever needed.

Talk to Teachers:

Ask your daughter not to feel embarrassed if the cramps are severe or barely possible for her to withstand. She should seek help from the teacher and/or the school nurse. They will provide her with the proper support and surely will allow her some time to take rest. Afterall they are managing students for years, and they know how to help period cramps at school.


Feminine Hygiene Products

If your daughter is comfortable enough to open her mind to her best friend, encourage her to do so. For an emotional support at a place like school, a best friend is the best one who can be rely upon. Merely talking to her can help your daughter up to a great extent.


School Policies and Resources

Know the School’s Resources:

Generally, schools have their own set of policies and resources for menstruating girls. Talk to them. Know about those policies. It will empower your girl with knowledge. And, it will be easier for her to understand whom to approach if she needed any help.

 Access to Restrooms:

Ensure your daughter has easy access to restrooms. Figure out how she can get a hall pass or a permission to leave the class whenever it is needed. The best you can do for her well-being during periods is making her understand how to  help period cramps at school.



Managing period in tender age is not so easy. But with your experienced vigilance your daughter can do well, I am sure. These are some points on how to  help period cramps at school. It’s a guideline. But the more you will talk to your daughter, the more you will figure out how fascinating her journey is. Share your experience too.  Befriend with your daughter. Let the cramp not hit her so hard as it could be.

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