June 1, 2024

No more period pain in 2024: Minced Garlic will make your period painless

Garlic is a true potent ingredient, which is as easily available in the kitchen, but seldom recognized for its medicinal benefits other than increasing taste in the food. Some cloves of minced garlic is enough to fight against multiple health issues; period pain is one of them.

Let’s figure out what garlic can do for you.

  1. Anti-inflammatory: Garlic has anti-inflammatory compounds like allicin, which can reduce the inflammation and can contribute to have an easy period.
  2. Pain Relief: Decreased inflammation helps to reduce period cramps and other period symptoms as well.
  3. Improved Blood Circulation: Well, garlic is known for its good effects on blood flow and circulations. The better your blood circulation is, the better your muscles are; as it helps in ease out tension from the muscles too. During periods if garlic is consumed, it can provide a tension relief in the uterine muscle too.
  4. Antioxidants: Garlic is super rich with its antioxidant properties. It can fight against oxidative stress, reduce inflammation and thus, gives a cut down in period pain.
  5. Immune System Support: Garlic has a power to boost up the immune system. A regular consumption of raw garlic can manage the period pain and other menstrual symptoms more effectively.


How to Use Minced Garlic for Period Pain

In Food: Introduce garlic to your regular meals. Add it into your soups, salads or sprinkle it over stir-fries. It is at its best when it is consumed raw. Its all the other properties stay intact and provide you with the best result.

Garlic Tea: It’s an uncommon drink albeit. Let me share the recipe with you. Boil water and minced garlic together. Strain it. Add honey and lemon to increase the taste. Voila! It’s ready.

Garlic Supplements: Well, many people can’t stand the flavour of garlic. If you are one of them, try having garlic supplements. But to start any supplement, you should consult a medical practitioner. He is the best person to tell you if it’s good for you or not.

https://amzn.to/3VliRbE (This page is an affiliate to Amazon.in)


Recipe: Minced Garlic Salad Dressing

Minced Garlic Salad Dressing

Take 15 cloves of minced garlic in a bowl. Add 1/4th cup of lemon juice; 1/4th cup of Olive Oil, 1/4th cup of water, Salt and pepper to taste, ½ tsp of oregano. Mix these well. Use it as a salad dressing.  



Digestive Sensitivity: Garlic shows issues in some’s digestive systems. It can create heartburn or give some troubled bowel movements. If you experience such effects, reduce the consumption of garlic. If the problem persists, completely stop the consumption. Surely, garlic is not made for you.

Medication Interactions: Garlic’s strong medicinal properties can cross the path of other medications .Like, it affects blood thinners. So, if you are taking medications for some other ailment, you should ask your doctor whether  your line of medications permit garlic consumption or not.



Garlic can be the best remedy for period pain. But, one should not confined its usage only for those 5 days. Its regular consumption can give protection from several other health issues too. To reduce period pain, one should focus on having balanced diet, going for regular exercises and provide the body adequate hydration too along with consuming minced garlic. If period pain persists, you should seek medical advice.

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